Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the Ray Ban mystery man

Confession: I'm obsessed with craigslist's missed connections.

I read them at home. I read them at work. I tell people about them after I read them. And now, I'm blogging about them.

The obsession started about five months ago and only intensified when someone posted one for me. I didn't respond to it and never dreamed I'd ever be posting a missed connection myself. BUT, that's all changing now.

That's right. I posted a missed connection.

It was a Monday morning like any other. But then, my train stopped at Van Ness and all of the sudden, there he was: THE RAY BAN MYSTERY MAN. I felt my heartbeat increase ten fold. Then, he caught me checking him out and he smiled at me and my legs just BUCKLED. No man has EVER made me weak in the knees but every time the Ray Ban mystery man smiled at me, I thought I was going to collapse right there on the metro.

A few stops later he got off and I when I regained my composure I was kicking myself for not talking to him. I couldn't get him out of my head all day so I decided I couldn't leave things to fate. So I posted a missed connection. I got two responses, neither of which was my Ray Ban mystery man. But I'm convinced that this very moment is what my craigslist obsesssion has been leading up to.

I hereby pledge to find the Ray Ban mystery man if it's the last thing I do.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

clearly i was born in the wrong decade

I have recently become obsessed with the idea of having a record collection. And with having this beauty to play those vinyl gems on.

Crosley AV Room Portable USB Turntable

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

dreaming of far-away places...

This little film makes me want to hop on the first plane to Groningen, Netherlands.

Come on, feel the Groningen! from MUZIEKTELEVISIE.NL on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hear the wolves howl

I love finding humor in unexpected places. Case in point: Amazon customer reviews. Click on the pictures of the reviews to enlarge them enough to read.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Thrift/vintage store recommendations (for NYC)!
Roxie and I are venturing to the Big Apple this weekend (my first time!) and we're looking to hit up some great thrift/vintage stores while we're there (I'm a little bit of a vintage/thrift whore). So if you have recommendations, we'd love to hear them! We're going to be there for three days and we don't really have any plans so we'd be thrilled with any other kind of recommendation you have--restuaruants, museums, etc. Trust that there will be many, many, many photos of our adventures!

Your favorite (simple! cheap! vegetarian!) recipes!
My sister is in town for some job interviews and I need to feed her. I'm a vegetarian but she's not and she cringed at the mere mention of a tofu stirfry. So I'm taking my search to the interwebs! Does anyone out there have any vegetarian recipes that even a meat-eater couldn't resist?

Four more hours in every day!
There are so many projects I need to complete! Books I need to read! Movies I need to watch! I need more hours in a day! Help!

Oh, and while you're at it, I could really go for some delicious biscotti...

Tropical Biscotti from BocaDulce Chocolate Dipped Almond Pistachio Anise Biscotti from andeverythingspice
Chocolate Chilli Cashew Biscotti from whimsyandspice

Monday, June 15, 2009

I may finally set a world record!

Wow guys, sorry about that long hiatus. My mom and sister have been in town and I've been super busy! One thing I have had time for, however, is to become obsessed with the Universal Record Database.

The creators of the URDB call the website 'a sort of Wikipedia of world records.' People basically set records (really ridiculous records to be precise. Fastest shaving off of one's own mustache? Most giraffe tattoos on a shoulder?), submit them, and the community votes on their validity. There's a great little video about the site here.

I have spent countless hours obsessing over what record I'm going to set/break. I think I can definitely eat six cupcakes in under 11 minutes and 20 seconds. Then again, I've always had a secret crush on John Stamos so maybe I'll try to break the record for most images of 'Uncle Jesse' viewed on a web browser at once. The possibilities really are endless.

I always thought I had to do something extreme to hold a world record, like bake a 2 mile wide chocolate chip cookie. But now that there's the URDB all I have to do is eat 46 M&Ms in under a minute. The sky is the limit for me folks, the sky is the limit.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Dear Asiago Cheese Bagel,

Where have you been all my life? You complete me.
